Dubai, UAE

Logjam Presents Forms a New Multi-Year Deal with Live Nation


Logjam Presents forms a new multi-year partnership with Live Nation, bringing the global promoter’s resources to the Montana-based Logjam while retaining its local ownership and staff.

Montana-based Logjam Presents has announced a new multi-year deal with Live Nation Entertainment, pairing the global promoter’s entertainment resources with Logjam’s local expertise and vision for the music scene in Montana. Live Nation will invest in Logjam under the partnership, while the Checota family will remain owners and continue managing the company’s day-to-day operations.

“Out-of-state national and regional promoters are already actively promoting in venues around the state. This new partnership will allow Logjam to remain competitive as a Montana-based promoter and will retain our event booking, marketing, management, and, most importantly, 100 percent of our staff locally,” says Nick Checota, President of Logjam. 

“Our new partnership will also provide Logjam access to an incredible artist network and will provide additional capital to improve existing venues and explore opportunities in other Montana regions. Logjam gains the expertise and resources of a global promoter, while day-to-day decision-making will remain unchanged. The current Logjam team will continue to manage all major operating decisions such as entertainment buying, staffing, staff wages, ticket pricing, and concession pricing.”

The Live Nation partnership centers on the company’s entertainment operations and promoter activities, while local Montana brick-and-mortar venues, including the Wilma Theater and the Top Hat, remain entirely owned by the Checota family. Additionally, the KettleHouse Amphitheater and ELM — designed, developed, and constructed by the Checotas — will remain under long-term leases with their respective local landowners.

“We now have access to world-renowned entertainment resources while maintaining our current management team and all of our more than 300 local staff. The structure of this partnership allows Logjam to retain its culture and continue to operate with the same ethos and spirit that we always have,” adds Ryan Torres, vice president of marketing for Logjam.

Logjam’s entertainment buyer, Alanya Wissink, concluded: “As the Montana entertainment industry becomes increasingly competitive with national companies entering the market, this partnership allows us to remain Logjam while having the support and resources of a global promoter. Working with our new partners, we will be able to attract more entertainment to Montana, particularly in genres we are eager to expand, such as country, rock, and comedy.”

Ten years ago, Nick and Robin Checota formed Logjam Presents. Robin, a fourth-generation Great Falls native, and Nick, who grew up in Wisconsin, live in Montana with their three children. Strong supporters of the arts, the Checotas are excited about the new partnership and the opportunities it creates for the Montana arts community.

